Why I am Blogging Again? AKA, Am I insane?

I am in the process of working on two larger books which I will be releasing in the coming months and have determined that daily writing along the way can only assist in that process. I welcome comments, critique, smart ass remarks - whatever you got :).

The first of these books attempts to distill $120,000 legal education to core, understandable, executable worksheets and forms tailored for startups. This has been a catartic project to work on and my hope is that it provides assistance for early stage companies that cannot afford legal assistance, yet need to lay the proper foundation for their success.

The second book is focused on video content marketing. After spending close to ten years in the space I wanted to share my secrets with everyone in the hopes that I can help content creators own their audiences, grow their brands and make a living in digital video. I will update with continued progress, exclusive early downloads of key chapters as well as share thoughts on a number of other subjects. If you are interested in speaking please reach out, I would love to connect!

Written on March 3, 2014